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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Making friends

Valencia is very social and loves to make friends with everyone she meets.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

She's a funny one

Valencia is really showing some personality now. She does things just to make us laugh and takes time just for herself. After playing for several hours today she kicked her ball into her corner took a seat and told me" bye bye Papa" and just chilled looking out the window for about five minutes.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hot Hot Hot

It's still crazy hot and everything is on fire so Noni and Valencia took refuge in the pool. Valencia still doesn't have a proper swimming diaper so her rump my have taken on a little water.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Soooo sleepy

Valencia must have had a fun day with Noni and Grandpa because she was out before she got home.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


After over a month of Sundays filled with fixing stuff around the house we took they day off. We headed down to Denver and had a nice lunch with Sember, Hank and Kyra. Did a little shopping and finished they day with a nice slice of pizza.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Catching on

We had some people come look at the house this morning so Mama and Valencia headed to the library for a bit. Valencia had a blast looking at all the books and running around. Then out of the blue she decided to water the plants. She just picked up the watering can and got to work.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Valencia had a busy day. Breakfast with Charlie, music class with Mason and friends, then meeting her Uncle Jeff from Chicago. We forgot to get a pic of her and Jeff.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

She keeps going and going.

Mama had to work late so I was on my own all day. We had a blast, went to the soccer store and kicked the ball around and ran all over the house. At one point she was so tired she went and had a relax in the corner. Also I included some of her self shots she took while playing with my phone. When Michaela got home she was sure Valencia would be on the couch with me but I got her to go to sleep in her crib all by myself. Good night all I'm beat.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The days are long but the years are short

I can't believe Valencia is going to be a year old in a few weeks. The days might be long but with all the things we've had to do around our house so we could put it up for sale they haven't been long enough. So we are putting an invitation for Valencia's party on her blog. At our current rate if we mailed them out to everyone she would be two before you received it. Thanks so much to Noni and Grandpa for hosting.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hey Noni

Valencia wasn't really even walking when Noni left for vacation and to watch Cia run over and give her a big hug this morning was something special.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Grandpa came over to give us a hand with some things around the house. Then we went to dinner and he shared his burger with Valencia. After a bath she got a kick out of the baby in the mirror. It was a busy day but I got in a few hours of fun with my daughter. We played soccer in the living room and she has gotten pretty good at dribbling the ball and shooting at the baby gate like it was a goal.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Beautiful day

Mama and Valencia had a fun day together, strolling around down town and playing at the park. With a breeze heading north they took full advantage of the smoke free afternoon.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Valencia got in the groove at music class today, rocking out with her sunglasses on. Mostly she just walked around and played everyone else's instruments because that's way more fun then just sitting and playing her own.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wu Tang killer bees

Valencia got her first bee sting today. Some ice and baking soda and she was good as new. Nothing's gonna stop her from playing with Grandpa. After playing all morning it was time to head home and watch some soccer. She had to put on her England shirt to show support for her team, they don't play till tomorrow but I'll be at work all day. Even with Rooney out for one more game she feels semi finals for sure.